EHEM. WOOPS! I forgot that I actually published my previous post. Supposed to be saved on the draft. Blehs.
Today uber fuun! :D
How's Valentine's in Brunei?
Uhh. Oh shucks. I'll be having Math quiz & Chemistry test tmr & aku alum study for my Chem! Coz the teacher sucks and I don't have the mood to uhmm, look at the half-empty notes. -.-
How's Brunei? I MISS THE STUDIES OVER THERE! Coz here is like ehem damndifficult. >< this year's worse! & the English module is crazy lah! & Chem teacher's the worst teacher ever! And on top of that, we're rushing through Math. Wahlao ey~ Apa kamu blajar disanaa? ):
Still, school is very fun. (: coz you can slack during Malay class, can sms in class (SHH!), drool over Mr Yee's (MATH :DDDD) uberneat handwriting and cute look :D, laugh at Chem class coz the teacher is lame & damn retarded, gossiping during breaks & all..
Okay then. Shall stop here. (: